Book Review
“Stephanie Sparling Williams, Speaking Out of Turn: Lorraine O’Grady and the Art of Language (Oakland: University of California Press, 2021). Published in caa.reviews, April 2022.

Un-Disciplining the Archive: Jerome Reyes and Maia Cruz Palileo
An analysis of the conceptually-oriented practices of two contemporary Filipino-American artists. Published in Panorama 7.1 (Spring 2021), special issue on Asian American art. Read it here.

Book chapter: “’Very African, and Very Kabuki Too’: Transnational Ritual in the work of Senga Nengudi.”
Transnational Perspectives on Feminism and Art, 1960-1985. Ed. Jen Kennedy, Trista Mallory, and Angelique Szymanek. London; New York: Routledge, 2021.

Venti: Air, Experience, and Aesthetics
“Darkening Atmospheres,” Venti: Air, Experience, and Aesthetics, Volume 1, Issue 1: Atmosphere (Fall 2020). Online. This inaugural issue on atmosphere featured new work on the concepts of atmospheres: the social and affective mode of air, a means of relational experience, and other disciplinary and ecological applications of atmosphere within the humanities, arts, and social sciences. My contribution discussed Lorna Simpson’s invocation of racial atmosphere in her phototexts, print installations, and films.
Grove Dictionary of Art
“African American Art: General Overview” and “Maren Hassinger” Grove Dictionary of Art. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020.

Book Review
“Celeste-Marie Bernier, Stick to the Skin: African American and Black British Art, 1965–2015,” in Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art, Issue 6.2 (November 2020). Online. Book review.

Art Journal
“‘Come Out to Show Them’: Speech and Ambivalence in the work of Steve Reich and Glenn Ligon,” Art Journal Volume 78, Number 4 (Winter 2019). Available on Art Journal Open.

Apricota Journal
“Paul Pfeiffer,” Apricota Journal, Issue 1: Fights (Fall 2017). An extended review of Pfeiffer’s 2016 exhibition at Paula Cooper Gallery.

American Quarterly
“Keeping Time in the Hands of Betye Saar.” American Quarterly Volume 68, Number 4 (December 2016). An extended review of the exhibition “Betye Saar: Still Tickin'” at the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, 2016. Online at Project Muse.